Q: How can I edit my information?
A: If you have registered for an account or made a purchase, you may view and update your account information by logging into the "My Account" section of the website. Once logged in, you can edit your information. You can also call, write or email Customer Support to access or update any of this information.
Q: What choices do I have about receiving communications?
A: You can sign up on the website or contact a Customer Support representative. If you register for an account or make a purchase, you will automatically receive promotional emails and direct mail from us. You may opt out from receiving these promotional emails from the sender only by clicking the unsubscribe link in any of the promotional emails you receive.
Q: Is it safe to use my card on the website?
A: Yes. Protecting the security of your information is very important to us. When you transmit sensitive personal information (such as credit card information) from your computer to our server, your information is protected by both a "firewall" (a combination of computer hardware and software that helps keep unauthorized visitors from accessing information within our computer network) and high-level SSL (secure socket layer) encryption technology. These are currently the most advanced security software available for online transactions.
Q: Why is my billing address required for online purchases?
A: We ask for your billing address in order to prevent against fraudulent use of credit cards and reduce the costs to us and yourself.
Q: How do I order personalized products?
A: To place a bespoke order, please visit the OWÓ section of the site.
Q: How do I maintain my CHARLES OWO products?
A: Please refer to detail and care information affixed on your item.
Q: How do I track an order?
A: A mail is normally sent out upon dispatch of your items, which would contain details on how to go about tracking your order.
Q: What do I do if there is a problem with my order?
A: Please call our Customer Support line on 1 800 439 6127.
Q: Where can I expect delivery?
A: Worldwide.
Q: Can I change delivery address after I place an order?
A: Yes delivery address could be changed before receiving a dispatch notice. This could be done by calling our customer care line on 1 800 439 6127.
Q: How do I apply for a job?
A: We are very keen on employing the best talents to help deliver value to our brand and improve overall business. Kindly send all applications to hr@charlesowo.com.
Q: For wholesale/business enquiries who do I contact?
A: Kindly contact our corporate office on 1 800 439 6127 or email business@charlesowo.com.
Need more help? Please contact us.
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